Blog Entries - May. 2019
Bikes in Bloom
SEM Haven is excited to participate in Milford's Bikes in Bloom contest. Find our entry at the corner of Cleveland Ave. and Hickory St. For more information, visit the City of Milford

SEM Haven Earns 5 Star Rating
SEM Haven is rated 5 STARS by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and Nursing Home Compare. The information on Nursing Home Compare can help you learn: How nursing homes have performed on health and fire
Symmetry Women's Executive Luncheon
Location: Oasis Golf and Conference Center Date: June 6, 2019 Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT This event is a Women's Executive Luncheon focused on giving women executives tips and ideas on how to better balance

Clermont County Senior Expo
Representatives from SEM Haven will be attending the 5th Annual Senior Expo as a vendor. Join us for this fun-filled and informative day on Friday, May 17. Full details available at Clermont Senior